In the meantime I am on a cleaning frenzy. Organizing closets to maximize the look of storage. Disposing of things I have no intention of moving to a new home. Dreaming of how we will decorate the kids rooms. Looking at every inch of my home with a scrutinizing eye to attempt to see what a buyer may see as a positive or negative. Detaching myself from a house that I have lovingly cared for as "home" for the past 6 years and feeling very alone in the process. I can't do anything without hubby yet he has jobs up to his eyeballs to keep him busy with work for the next who knows how long!
Every time we talk; it seems we are on the same page, but our methods and priorities aren't quite lined up. What's new right? :) I am praising God that *HE* knows where we will go and when, I am just praying that becomes clear to me and soon!
Here's the place we've called home for 6 years!
You're home is beautiful Karrie! Hopefully it will sell in no time!