Sunday, March 18, 2012

Aha moment!

I was thinking about how busy life is and how I feel like we aren't catching our breath. Then it dawned on me, I am wearing a lot of hats, and at the end of the day, I am staying above water, so to speak!

I am first and foremost a stay at home mom. That is my title, I wear it proudly and I work to improve my methods on a daily basis (and fail some of those methods quite regularly too! Thanks to goodness, each day is a new day, and my kids are very forgiving when it comes to their momma!!) on top of being mom, I am working part time, and going to school part time. My daughter attends school 25 minutes away so we have two round trip commutes (morning and afternoon) that take approximately an hour counting the time we spend at school. Add to that the class I am taking is a night class that takes me away from the family two nights a week and Acilia was doing poms (showcase is tomorrow then we are done for a few months before the new season starts) that was taking her out of the house two nights a week. Weekends are our only time to catch our breath.

I had my "aha" moment the other day when I was thinking about how busy life is and wondering how I could change that. Then it dawned on me, if I wasn't pursuing nursing, I would have a LOT less chaos in my life. That is not a goal I am willing to give up, but I think the magnitude of how time consuming it is hit me and I was able to have a very relieving light bulb moment! I decided I need to cut myself a break and just go back to living each moment for what it is. Finding happiness in each moment and realize that this journey in my life is not permanent and once I am a nurse, I will feel much more accomplished and I will (prayerfully) have some more time to be a housewife. I find myself yearning to bake and to cook and overall just really dive in to the kitchen, which cracks me up because if you've been reading for a while, domestication is not something that came naturally to me! I will say after almost 8 years of marriage, and 2 kids later, domesticated life is much more natural, and it actually kinda feels good!

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