Friday, March 12, 2010

Fun little Friday

My Little Life

Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then c'mon back and link up (grab the code too, if you'd like!!). I would love, love, LOVE it if you'd link back to me, Mama M., the nut job behind the fun that is Five Question Friday!

No blog? That's alright!! Just answer the questions in the comments of anyone's blog along the way...this is a fun, easy way to get to know your fellow bloggers!

Questions for Friday, 3/12: (Thanks to Erica, Erin, Renee,Pam, and me (I'm dying to know the bed making thing...) for their question suggestions! Wanna be linked in a future 5QF? Mosey on over here, to my community, and offer up your best questions!)

1. How much time do you spend on the computer a day?
I go on sporatically thorughout the day, if I had to guess 2-3 hours. I know...I know...way too long. I'm working on it!

2. Will you pay for your children's college or raise them to pay for their own way?
I am hoping my kids don't go to college (until they are of reasonable age and actually *know* what they want to do) I know I won't *waste* money on them to go to college. I will not pay for them to party or to change majors a buncha times just to lengthen their school experience. That's all I can't think of on the topic, because truthfully I am in denial that my 6 and 2 year olds will actually ever BE of college age! ::::shudder::::

3. Have you ever been in a car accident?
Fender Benders, and those are scary enough!

4. What is your favorite book?
No favorites. I like self help books. I am currently working my way through The Love Dare and Love and Respect

5. Do you make your bed everyday?
Yes! I can't stand when my beds are undone! I've actually been known to make my bed while hubby is still in it! Oops!

1 comment:

  1. I so agree with your college answer, seeing it as a huge expense to prolong adolescence.


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