Thursday, December 6, 2012

3 years

December 3rd, 2009 forever changed my life. The day I gave a kidney to my husband. 3 years have passed, it's still surreal to me. I still marvel at the fact that I had a kidney that matched what my husband needed. I am still 100% convinced God used me to save my husband's life and I am still 100% humbled by that fact. I can not make clear enough that it was not *me* who gave him a kidney. It was GOD who blessed us both with this amazing experience in our lives. At the young age of 29 years old, I was able to take part in something that I am almost sure will never be outdone the rest of the days that I live. My life had a beautiful purpose and I can never fully display how blessed that makes me feel. Each year that passes, is a huge milestone for both of us. 3 years is a long time, but it's not long enough. No amount of years will be long enough, but each year I start by praying that we have many more years of health with this transplanted kidney that now sits in my husband's body and works it's hardest to stay healthy against some bullying antibodies that try regularly to knock it down.

Al had his three year check up yesterday. He went downtown to the hospital where surgery took place and the news was great! He is doing great and the doctor said he doesn't need to see him for a year. (This is the longest stretch he's been allowed to go!) he will continue with monthly blood work to ensure his numbers stay stable, and of course he takes his daily dose of anti-rejection meds, but that's all normal for a transplant patient and we are thankful!

In the meantime, dialysis days are a memory that we know will be a reality again SOMEDAY but we are thrilled with each and every day that brings health!!

Here are some pictures, "battle scars" right after surgery:

And, today, the scars are practically invisible, can you see it?
It's below the words "Be a Donor"...faint, barely visible!

In this picture, the scars are even harder to spot, but there are two in the picture, I can see them, can you?

Now, please excuse me while I go put some lotion on, the dry skin in the pictures has me a little disturbed!!


  1. I have always love your story. God knew from the beginning that you were truly your husband's perfect match.

  2. congratulations to both of you for 3 years! i do hope each day turns into months into years that his 'new' kidney continues to keep his body strong and healthy.


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