Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ever feel?

Ever feel as though you have nothing to say, but just need to blog anyway? Well, hello there! I am in that boat as I type!
Christmas is over, New Year's is upon us and I am spending a lot of time at home with lot's of snow outside, freezing cold temperatures and two kids with bounds of energy!
I wish it didn't happen, but it does. My brain overworks at times. It's, I believe in part because I am a woman and I also believe it's partly because I have a creative mind, but goodness sometimes I just get irritated by my ever thinking brain. I think about the future, about where I want to be, what I want to change, and unfortunately, a lot ends up in material ideas. A new car, a new house, more kids a "snap your fingers and it's amazing" type of career, perfect marriage, etc. etc. etc. Some of those things are attainable, in the future (not now). Why spend my time thinking about what I want in the future, instead of enjoying the gift that we call the "present"?
Christmas was magical, Al is doing very well post transplant and I am blessed beyond measure with my kids, my pets, my house, my car, my family, my friends, my life. Really. I'm not even 30 yet and there is a lot of life left to live, but I want to settle in and be happy with what I have at all times. Think my mind will listen to me?
On a side note, I am considering putting my creativity to work (hoping to side track the overzealous thoughts about changing my life and how). I whole heartedly believe that the experience I have had with donating a kidney is story worthy and I just *might* decide to make it into a book. Proceeds to go to raising awareness on organ donation. It seems like such a cool idea right? I think so too! Hence why I now have a notebook in my purse to jot down notes and ideas as they come to me.

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